Sunday, May 18, 2008

Sunburn and a Talk

So, I got a pretty nasty sunburn on my chest yesterday. It actually just looks a lot worse than it really is. We had a yard sale at my in-laws' house and I tried to stay in the shade mostly, but sometimes I had to go out there. So, it's pretty red, but even today it looks a lot better than last night. Anyway, this is the reason that getting more sun doesn't help me get tanner. I just get red, my skin peels off and then I'm pasty white again. So, there is no real reason to risk skin cancer to just try for a little tan that will never happen.

In other news, I gave a talk at church today. It was about unity in marriage. People say I did a good job and I hope that I did. Maybe it will help others be more honest with their in-laws about what is and is not acceptable behavior. It's not so much about doing away with family as it is about putting your marriage first, above all other relationships and people. I have it written out on my computer if anyone wants to read it. Just let me know and I'll make it available to you.

Love to you all!


Lalani said...

I burn just like you! No hope of ever having a tan! :) I would love to read your talk. Will you send it to me please?

pam said...

I am sitting here laughing!! I don't know if I've ever told you how funny I think you are! You are witty and funny and I just love you tons! I loved listening to your talk yesterday. It was perfect! Oh, and by the way, you BETTER consider me a friend!!! I read your "Making Friends" post and I thought to myself "Tiffany is one of my sista's! She better think of me as a friend." I know we don't hang out a lot but we've totally shared a lot together! Oh, and I think our hubbies are planning a date for us anyway. I know it's really for them, but at least we'll get to talk while they're doing their movie/construction stuff.