Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Love Languages

So, if you know me then you probably know I’m not much of a huggy person. I always feel awkward and clumsy when I give hugs. I love hugging Eric, but that’s because I do that a lot that it’s natural and easy. It’s not that I don’t love you or want to hug you it’s that I feel weird like I’m going to do it wrong. My husbands extended family would not accept that so I’ve learned to hug a lot more and be more open about it. Good thing since most people in LA hug. I’m getting more used to it, but I’m still not so great at it.

As I was thinking the other night I realized that’s just not how I show love for people. I do have a great love for all people. I know with my bold opinions it might not always seem that I’m filled with love, but I assure you that I am. Turns out I like to cook for those I love. If I’ve ever offered to cook you a meal then know that I really love you. Sharing food is very intimate and it means a lot that I bring you into that part of my life. Grocery shopping, preparing and serving food is a show of my love for people. Really, it’s totally true!

What do you think about that?

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Relationship Advice

So, a new blog has been started with me as a contributing member. It's an advice blog similar to the one I had talked about starting previously. So, please check it out. http://relationscoach.blogspot.com It's totally anonymous so I can't say which ones I wrote or anything, but you can try and guess, although there is only one posting as of right now. Please feel free to submit your questions and just maybe I'll be able to give you some advice.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Someone else is spending my money!

Okay, so I'm a bit frustrated right now. I'm frustrated with all the excess money the government is spending without thought to the consequences. Well, if they are considering the consequences then they don't care about them. I just wish we could stop the spending instead of increasing it.

Currently my husband and I are working on paying down our debts and being smarter about the money we do have. We are doing lots of research, choosing our moves wisely and making plans for our future. It is not easy, but it must be done. There is no way we could pay down our debt if we simply continued to use our credit cards. Some days I have the urge to use them, but I know that is not what we agreed to; it's not in our financial plan. Yet, our government (the elected officials in power) continue to spend money that doesn't exist as though somehow that will make things better. It can only get worse if we keep increasing our debt. Eventually we will get to a point where we can't even afford to pay off our debts because they are just too excessive.
Why do they keep enacting new programs or prolonging old ones at the expense of the tax payer? Somehow it's okay to raise my taxes for those who are unwilling to work. Why should anyone work when they government is paying them enough not to work. It's completely idiotic. Government run programs are what I like to refer to as "poverty programs". I call them this because people can't get out of them. Often they can't receive assistance if they make over a certain dollar amount. I know t his because there was a time in my life that I was using Social Security Disability. I'm actually ashamed to admit that, but I was disabled at the time. I'm actually not opposed to the idea of disability services because those are so often people who cannot do for themselves. When I graduated college and began to work I could only work part time to maintain my benefits which included medicare (health insurance). But what is worse was the restrictions on how much money I could make or even save to maintain certain benefits. This is why I called it a poverty program. How can we ever expect people to get a leg up when we don't let them save money or invest what they do have?

Now there is the whole issue of extending unemployment benefits. That sounds like a good idea to help prevent more foreclosures and the like, but it doesn't really help people progress. They have an easy time living on what the government will give them. I'd love a 2 year paid vacation, but then I am just a burden on society. It's not cool. There is no financial education to help people get out of these types of situations.

I think what angers me the most is that by enacting and prolonging these types of programs the government is essentially buying votes. They are buying votes with tax payer money. I am a tax payer. They are buying votes with my money! Ugh! I'm just so sick of it!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Mom's Rights

Check out this ridiculous story. A kid is mad that his mom blocked him out of his facebook account after he admitted on his account to breaking the law. He is now suing his mom for harrassment and slander. I'm not sure what the slander is about, but some judge will hear that. Harrassment though; are you kidding me? That is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard! If that's true then every parent is harassing their kid by punishing them. Parents are supposed to protect their kids and that is what she was trying to do.

If the judge even takes the kid seriously we're in for trouble. This kid is dangerous especially to himself. We have parents to help and guide us through life and everything that goes along with it that teens can't understand.

Kids need to stop treating their parents like criminals for acting in their best interest. If we want to make things better in this world then we need to prevent crazy things like this from happening. Please read and discuss!