Saturday, May 10, 2008

The Last Two Weeks

Holy Cow! Life has moved so fast in the last two weeks. We are nearly done filming Diantha's Crossing and it has been an incredible experience. I have had some really rough and tough days, but there has mostly been good times. Finally, I learned by the end that I can't waste my time being annoyed with people especially when they're willing to help me. I'm not perfect and I do need lots of help, all the time. I'm grateful to everyone who helped me out each and every day.

This has been a great experience and I'm not sure I would mind if I did this for the rest of my life. I really do enjoy it! There may be possibilities of future work that have come from this and that would be so cool. It feels so great to know that people are impressed with the work that I do. The best part about how well I did was that I was under budget. There are some things I could have done better and would do differently if I could go back. However, it was great overall. No one starved and there was always food available.

Maybe, even I will have a career in the film industry. I never thought that would be possible, but it just might be. I wouldn't work for a studio or big budget films, but small and independent films. Maybe nothing will come from this and that would be fine with me too. Life is just sweet!

1 comment:

amaduli said...

Under budget? Impressive. Nobody starved was an understatement. The food supply was perfect.