Saturday, October 11, 2008

To be employed or not to be

So, we've been in our apartment for about 2.5 weeks now. It's nice and it's starting to get cozier. The day after we moved in I started a job working in an accounting office. I was helping them reorganize everything (and I do mean everything). I've never sweated so much in heels before. After about a week of doing all sorts of filing and organizing they had me start to learn some actual office type work that they do there. It was getting better and I was liking it more. Oh, important thing to note is that this job was supposed to be temp-to-hire. I was working hard and doing really well compared to other people they'd had in there. I figured I was for sure going to get hired on in a few weeks. However, that's not how it happened. They decided they needed an actual accountant in there to help run the business. (Who would have guessed that an accounting office needed an accountant?) So, they hired someone else and let me go. It's not like I was fired because I was never officially hired, but it still wasn't good news.

The funny thing about it all was that I never felt like it was the job for me. It was just a means to a financial end. Eric and I have an apartment and bills that need to be paid. Fortunately, those 7 days worth of work are going to pay our bills for this month. Rent will come out of savings, but we're lucky to have that. It's only been a week without a job, but it feels like forever. Eric is looking for weekend work too. I'm just trying to not feel desperate.

I have to keep reminding myself that after I was told that I wouldn't be working for that company anymore I had a few moments of complete despair and fear about our finances. But quickly after that I felt reassured and confident that things would work out. The further it gets from that feeling the harder it is to remember it, but I know that somehow it is all going to work out. The right job is out there for me, but it may take some time to find it. I'm just trying to have faith and take those steps that will lead me in the right direction for employment. Who knows where it will be? I sure don't.


Unknown said...

It will totally work out. I am 100% positive that you (and I) will get a job soon and it will pay our bills. (And then some! ...Hopefully...)

debbie said...

Hey, Tiffany. I have been wondering how you guys are doing. It's good to hear you have a place to live and had some money coming in. Good luck on the job hunt!

Renae said...

Things will work out. I'm glad that you recognize that as well. I'm sure it is frustrating and kind of scary, but just keep the faith and keep doing what you should be and you will be blessed!

Savings are amazing, aren't they? Kyle and I were living off of our savings for a lot of this summer as well. It was really comforting for us to have that extra money when we needed it.

I hope things improve for you soon! BTW, my recipe book is finished and I want to send you a copy! If you can e-mail me your address I'll pop it right in the mail to you!