Friday, July 11, 2008

Married Life vs. Singlehood

I've been talking to several of my single friends about the ups and downs of being single. I do miss the excitement of first dates, first kisses, first everything really. There are times being married that you just want to scream because nothing seems to be working quite right between the two of you. Yesterday, my friend was telling me that she had a date that night with a guy she was really into. I could tell she was excited and had that butterfly feeling. I was a little jealous to be honest.

So, in my jealousy I told my husband that we should just go on a nice date like we used to when we were single. It's weird though. We don't really need to plan to date because we're with each other most of the day and we go on "dates" regularly. Anyway, he saw one of the emails between my friend and I and realized that was the reason for me wanting to go on a date. He knew I was just being silly and jealous of that time in my life. He hugged me and said that we're at different places in our lives than they are.

After some events yesterday evening and then a horrible dream last night I knew that I wouldn't want to be single again. There is a comfort and security that you find only in marriage. I have the perfect man for me and I couldn't be happier. If I'm ever unhappy in my marriage it is because of my own selfishness and not because of some flaw in our relationship.


Unknown said...

That makes me feel better about that whole thing.
I love you!

The JL McGregor Family said...

I know exactly what you mean! I went through that, and then I went through a time where I was envious of the couples without kids (I loved mine, but missed having the time just with Joe..maybe I was missing sleep too). Somewhere in there I came to the realization you are having...that we are all at different times in our lives. I think I've gotten used to being a mother and don't look back too often anymore--but we also try to liven things up (like your planned dates, nice meals, and fun holidays) so that we still feel the love and appreciate each other (and the kids).

Tiffany said...

Thanks Jen! It's good to know that I'm not the only one who goes through stuff like this at times. I suppose we all want what we can't have sometimes.