Thursday, September 8, 2011

TSA Searching Children

Okay, this is not likely to go where you want it to go. That's okay with me. Anway, I read a tweet this morning that went something like this: The TSA just patted my child and then swabbed his hands for bomb residue. What is wrong with our country?" Well, I can tell you what is wrong with our country, sadly, there are bad people out there that want to attack us and other innocent people.

You can't even just say, well I'm white so clearly it's not me because they are recruiting everyone, even white people. I know many don't like the patting down of children, but at the end of the day I see no major problem with it. Here is why:

  • Children are poked and prodded by us on a regular basis. We even pat and inspect diapers to check for poopies or to see if they've peed. We hand babies off to strangers (doctors, nurses, family members the baby has never met, etc.) all of the time, so a TSA employee isn't so weird to them. Nothing that is happening to them is that weird especially if you're right there with them watching everything.
  • Having a child's hands swabbed for bomb residue might not be a bad idea because kids put their hands all over everything you have, so if you have a bomb it's very possible the kid touched it.
  • If we stop checking children then suicide bombers may very likely use their own children to carry bombs, knives, and other weapons onto planes. If they believe in receiving eternal glory for their own martyrdom, why wouldn't it be good for their kids too?
A few moments of inconvenience for me is worth my overall safety. Anyone who doesn't want to get checked out for overall safety doesn't need to fly that bad then. It's a fact of life so let's deal with it. If you have ways to improve airport security then write a letter to TSA instead of just whining about how invasive the checks are. It could be a lot worse.

Now, please let me know what you think, but let's be nice about it.


Six said...

my opinions expressed at:

Although, also, liberty is part of this country. If they get rid of that, terrorists win. cliche... but still

Tiffany said...

I read your post and I can totally see where you're coming from. It is annoying and most likely a huge waste of time. However, when I'm in line at the airport I don't think too much about it being a waste of my time or how annoying it is. I think the trick is to change your (not you specifically, but anyone really) perspective on it and just know it's part of the deal.
Living in LA I deal with a lot of traffic to get where I want and need to be. I could be pissed that the freeway only has 5 lines and not 7 that are slowing me down, but that doesn't get me anywhere any faster. So, for me it's really about choice and what I want to do and what I accept. Even if it's a waste of time it's a matter of fact if I want to fly.
If we want to change how it's done then we need to be more politically active and let our leaders know how to improve the process. Whining about it won't get any of us anywhere.
That's all I'm saying.

Me said...

I have small kids, and I don't ever touch them the way they get touched during a standard TSA pat down. I would smack anyone who would touch my kids that way if they were not TSA, and would not let them near my kids ever again.

I also never hand my kids over to strangers. Just not that kind of parent.

I also think it would be difficult to explain to my very young but intelligent kids that it is not right to be touched that way by anyone, except here. I can try, but I am sure they will feel violated and confused either way.

I'm all for safety. But not if abuse is done in the name of it. I know not everyone agrees with me, but that is how I feel. I'll drive to Canada and fly to avoid my children getting a TSA patdown. Everything else I can deal with, but I am not going to subject my children to that if I can help it. (Seriously, the pedophile's dream job)