Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Los Angeles

I frickin' live in Los Angeles! I live here! I have an apartment, a job and even a parking space here. I know it's been about 8 months, but I'm still totally in shock. When I was younger I always thought it would be cool to live here, but I never thought I would. I imagined myself marrying some accountant or engineer and moving to the midwest. That just isn't how it happened, but I wouldn't change it for anything. I live in a really awesome city with cool new things going on all the time. I feel like I'm in on all the inside jokes on TV and in movies. Sometimes I just look out our front door to see the Hollywood Hills and all the lights just in awe that I actually live here. It hasn't been easy, but it's totally been worth it. There is plenty here to displease, but there is also something magical about this place. I love that I still get excited about living here. It's just so cool and with my husband being in film it's only going to get more exciting. Things are just great!


Renae said...

That is kind of funny to think about... the fact that you really are living in LA. I also think it's so funny that you married a film major, since you've always been so into movies (at least more than me). Funny how life works out.

Tiffany said...

Compared to him I'm not really that into movies. He could watch several in a day, but I'm lucky if I can sit through one a day. Life has worked out quite nicely though. Not how imagined, but better.