Friday, August 1, 2008


On Sunday, during Sunday School, a nice man made a comment about the different types of knowledge. One of the types of knowledge is the kind where only on person can know it. For example, he said that the love a person has for their spouse is something only the lover can know. I've been thinking about this a lot lately because I agree with what he said.

I often think that Eric loves me more than I love him, but who knows. We can't compare the love we have because we can't know the love someone else has. Sometimes I question my love for him, but I know that I do love him and I love being loved by him. I suppose that since I can't know how he feels about me and how he loves me; I can only know how his actions and words make me feel. I feel loved and cared about.

Love is a tricky thing. We can't always know or understand the love people have for us. So often, this leads us to believe that we aren't loved as much as we truly are. We are all lovable and should trust that there are people out there who love us.

1 comment:

Renae said...

That is an interesting concept... I've never thought about it that way. It's so true though, I totally agree.