Sunday, June 8, 2008


On Thursday afternoon Eric finally had a phone interview. It went well, which is great. From what I understand the interviewer is part of a group that wants to get more LDS filmmakers into the film industry. At the end of the interview he told Eric to research at least 10 different companies, what they do and what Eric would like to do for them. Eric is about done with that and will email it to him, hopefully by tonight. Then, this guy will talk to the people he knows in the business and see if he can't find Eric an internship or something of that nature at one of the companies on his list. He said it might be easier to get something in the fall since all the summer interns will have gone home, but we'll see.

Life is exciting right now, but we're still not sure what is going to happen. At least it seems to be moving in the right direction.

1 comment:

Meredith said...

Hey Tiffany,
This is Meredith Wideman. Hope you don't mind me reading your blog. Sounds like a lot of exciting things are happening. It is scary though sometimes when you don't know what is going to happen next. Good luck to you! If you would like you can check out my blog at