Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Change of Plans

Original Plan
When we moved to LA in late 2008 we decided that I would work full-time while Eric interned. After interning for about 2 to 3 months then he'd get a full-time job in a mail room of a talent agency or a production company. Then, he'd work his way up to a desk (being an assistant). He'd be an assistant for one to two years. After that he'd continue to work his way up until he could finally start producing the movies he wanted to produce.

We moved out here and I found a job while Eric interned. During that time the economy took a nose-dive. Once Eric had completed his internships he looked so hard for work. He's been looking, applying and interviewing for over 6 months now and nothing has come of it. Things in the economy have possibly gotten worse. He's had to do temp work and other things that he doesn't care to do. Our financial situation is often scarier than I would like to think. While Eric has had the time at home he has written one script that he is now working on re-writing, but the story is really good and interesting. Plus he's working with friends to hopefully produce a piece that they've written.

New Plan
Eric is going to continue to look for permanent work that was mentioned in the "Original Plan" however we're moving on to Plan A.1. In this plan Eric will spend the majority of his time focusing on his own projects. He will finish re-writing his own script so that he can sell it to bring in some income. He'll also work toward getting scripts completed with his friends and colleagues so that he can produce those on low budgets down here. Basically, if no one else is going to give him a job he'll just have to make one of his own.

My Feelings
At first this kind of made me nervous to think of no consistency of income, but anymore I feel pretty okay with it. I think it will be just fine. We're going to move forward with faith and so far that is already paying off.

1 comment:

debbie said...

Hey, Tiffany. It's good to hear how things are going. I hope Eric enjoys working on his projects and that things work out.