Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Eric and I went to Utah this past weekend. It was much too fast, but it was so enjoyable. Everything was perfect. We were able to see so many of our friends. Seeing them has made me realize what I'm so homesick for while living out in LA. I miss my friends and being able to see them. Starting a new life is hard especially without the support system of friends. Of course, Eric and I have made some friends out here, but it's not the same (yet) from friends you've known for years. I want my friends in Utah to know that I love them and they really do mean so much to me. For those of you we saw I'm so happy that we could work out the timing to get together. For those of you we missed I'm really sorry. Next time we'll plan more time so that there is enough to see everyone.


Unknown said...

I wish we had more time too.
But mostly I wish that I had a job...

Renae said...

It was so super fun to see you two! I'm glad we were all able to get together! Isn't it sad to think that who knows when the next it will be that we can get together?

Julie and Andy said...

It was so good to see you!