Thursday, February 17, 2011


Yep, it's been forever since I've posted. I just got really busy going through some things. I didn't forget about my blog, I just didn't have anything positive to say. Life has been good, but challenging at times. We're just fine though.

We had very lovely holidays. We went to Mesquite to visit Eric's family for Thanksgiving. It was a wonderful time, but Wal*Mart was insane at midnight. Good fun, good food, good times.

We spent Christmas here in LA. It was a surprisingly wonderful time. Okay, not surprising to us, but to all of our families that missed us. We were able to see several movies, some great, some kind of crappy. On Christmas day we also visited a little old lady in our ward that was in a rehab center. She was so sweet and charming. We just love our sweet Antine. We spent New Year's Eve watching movies and our friends, the Champions, came over for pizza making, games and ringing in NYC new year's eve. LA new year's eve was just happening to late for us all to stay up.

Now we're back to normal life. Eric is looking for a new job, but all the while focusing on his writing. He's a very talented writer and we have great hope for this new year and the possibilities that exist, but we just can't see yet.

I am patiently waiting out my time to see what is to come next for me. The possibilities are limitless.


Sara Hammond said...

Missed you Tiff. Glad you're back to positive again! Best wishes as you discover what is coming next! I'm right there with ya.

mickas said...

life is a forever with my best friend so do not the sad ,,,,happyy
i m forever with you..

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