Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Feminism: Pro or Con?

So, perhaps as a woman I should not put this in print, but I’m somewhat of an anti-feminist. Sure, I very much appreciate their hard work so that I can vote and go to college. I’m happy to be able to work and help support my family. Those are all great things, but I’m not convinced the side effects are worth it. Years ago I even wrote a paper about how the rate of divorce increased at the same time as the feminist movement really picked up speed in the middle of the 20th century. More specifically though feminism is emasculating men and masculinizing women. This plays a huge part into how our relationships work. The reason we’re attracted to each other is because we’re different, not the same. We’re meant to complement one another, not compete with each other. God created us all as equals with an important purpose in His plan. We each have our own roles to play, but with feminism we, as simple mortals, are recreating our roles.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m truly grateful to be able to have an education and my own choice to determine my life. However, we need to let men be men and us women need to work harder at being feminine women. They all worked hard to progress us as women, but now all we’re doing is saying we want to be just like men. That’s counter productive. Let’s use our God-given assets as women and impower that. We’re only hurting ourselves by saying we were never good enough as we were. We want more, we want to be men. Let’s remember who we are and be the best at that and not force ourselves in some other direction.

Okay, I know someone is going to disagree with me. That’s fine. Just please be nice and not rude in your attempts to criticize me.


debbie said...

I don't really know what the official definition of feminism is, but I like to think of it as our right to choose a lifestyle. So I choose to stay home with my kids, but I'm not forced to do so by society. If I wanted to or needed to, I could work and be paid fairly for my work.

I guess as is true with most things, there is a fine balance and Satan wants us to take things too far. For instance, I personally think abortion being legal (except for in extreme cases) is taking the idea of feminism too far.

We all need to feel valued in our roles, but I'm not sure what I think about the men being less masculine, etc. I know I LOVE that dads seem to be more involved in helping with the kids and house work now days!

Tiffany said...

Thank you Debbie. I agree with you. I was trying to get a thought out there quickly and I think it was a bit muddled.
I'm not actually sure about the definition of feminism either. I just know what I see women claim it is now. My frustration was sparked by a particular incident.
And for the record I don't think it's less masculine for a man to take care of his wife and children by helping around the house or taking care of the children. It's part of his responsibility too.
I have a hard time with men being afraid to have opinions because a woman might get offended by it. That doesn't seem right to me. I don't hold back because I fear what a man might think, so he shouldn't have to either.
Anyway, thanks again for sharing. I appreciate it.

balloongal said...

It does seem like in some cases, it's not just women wanting to be equal and having the same rights as men. Sometimes it seems like women want to have more rights. Reminds me of George Orwell (Animal Farm)- everyone is equal, but some are more equal than others- paraphrasing.

I'll tell you, I love that my husband is so helpful with my kids. And I love that he is willing to work so hard so I can be a stay-at-home mom. I don't think women are less important if they stay home. It's really hard work.

Jeafjpt said...

I feel there is a pendulum effect, swinging between matriarch and patriarch controlled societies, usually with long time spans between changes, and mostly controlled by nature. In a way the present trend towards feminism provides some stalling to population growth which nature must needs happen.
I would be interested to know your thoughts - Fred.

Tiffany said...

Fred, that's a good point. I think the pendulum is a good illustration. We shouldn't be swaying in either direction, but perfectly still in the middle. We try so hard to get things equal that we push with too much gusto in the opposite direction and then we don't necessariliy like where it ends up. We just need to find the right balance as a society, but I applaud those couples that have found the right balance for themselves. That's a step in the right direction. I hope that we get away from this swing toward feminism before humanity can no longer perpetuate itself.