Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Tori and Dean

I totally saw Tori (Spelling) and Dean (McDermott) last night. We were going to see Up at the Arc Light Theater at the Sherman Oaks Galleria and right before we got on the escalator Tori and Dean were in the midst of a conversation. It was just like any other couple you might see standing there. They weren't filming for their show and no paparazzi were around. At first I wasn't sure if it was Tori because she had huge sunglasses on, but then when I saw Dean it was for sure them. I didn't want to stare so I just looked quickly and kept going on my way. This is my first celebrity sighting while I was just out and about since I moved to LA. I thought it was cool since I watch their show and think I'm a lot like Tori in some ways.

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