Friday, May 14, 2010

Women and Self Confidence

I’ve been thinking a lot about women and self-confidence. Those are just two things that seem to rarely occur together. In my 25 years I don’t think I’ve met too many women that are fully confident in who they are. The ones I have met are usually over 45 and even not all of the women I know over 45 are that confident in themselves. I just find this to be a real tragedy. As women we’re so beautiful, all of us. We don’t have to look the same to be beautiful. As women we’re not all interested in the same guy. Sure there are types of men that we’re all more likely to be drawn to, but we don’t all like the same thing. Men don’t all like the same flavor either. It’s our unique characteristics that set us all apart. We need to learn to appreciate our beauty for what it is and now what it isn’t.

Genesis 1:27 “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.”

Besides our appearance us women have so much more to offer too. We’re capable of multiply things. For a long time I hated that I had no visible talents. I couldn’t sing, play an instrument or a sport. However, I’m very smart and very discerning about people. I can understand someone in just a few short minutes and that is a gift/talent that I’m very fortunate to have. Our talents/gifts work best together and not separate.

I just really want women to love themselves and know that they are just how God intended them to be. None of us are perfect in anyway, but our imperfections can work for us and become strengths if we allow them. I just ask you to look past your weaknesses and see your strengths. If you allow them to be your strengths will great over shadow your weaknesses. Go out and share your strengths with the world. By doing so you’ll be able to see your value and learn to really love yourself.


Kathryn M said...

Amen Sista!! I wish women would quit wishing for what they didn't have and stop hating what they do have (myself included). I know, that is easier said than done but little changes each day can help. Especially when it comes to our thoughts. If we think it enough we will believe it. It's all about taking the negative thoughts (that don't come from our Father in Heaven) and making them positive. For example when I think "The stretch marks on my thighs are so ugly." I switch that to "I am grateful for my strong thighs that allow me to run around all day long." I have found that as I include positive affirmations in my daily life I am more positive to myself and others.

Tiffany said...

Thanks Kathryn! It would be interesting to see what women really could do if they believed in themselves more. We don't equal rights and affirmative action to save. We need to know our own potential. We just have to keep doing more to love ourselves.