Monday, March 10, 2008

First Blog

I have just decided that I want to start a blog. I did one for a few weeks when I was a freshman in college, but it's time for a new one. I hope this is interesting to anyone who reads it. I'll write a little about my life first. I've been married for about 2.5 years now. My husband is still a student at BYU. He is studying film and will graduate this summer. We're very excited for all the potential of our future. We are hoping to move to Los Angeles in the next couple of years if not sooner. Eric wants to be a film producer and I know that he'll do it. He is incredibly talented and ambitious. My ambition is to be a good wife and eventually a good mother. We really want children, but when that happens is not in our control.

I'm just so in love with my life right now. Things are going really well, even though there is a lot of unknown in the next several months. I have a good job working at a technology company (I work in accounting). We're also constantly blessed by our loving Heavenly Father. There are little miracles everyday in our lives. We both feel that this is going to be a great year for us. So much to look forward to, so I will keep you all posted on it.

One last thing, I named this blog "Film Widow" because that is what my mother-in-law calls me when Eric is on long film shoots.


Renae said...

Tiffany! I have a blog too... let's be blog friends. I don't really know how to do it... but let's do it. It's

jess said...

congrats on your first blog post. welcome to the world...wonderful world of're now on my list of ones to read every day! woo!