Monday, June 29, 2009

Immigrants and the Economy

I was reading an article today about how hard the economy has hit immigrants, in particular illegal immigrants in this country. I am not opposed to immigration and I'm often more liberal in my acceptance of "illegal" immigrants. They are trying to better their lives and do what is good for their families.

However, the article was pointing out how much they are struggling now too because of the economy, but that they don't want to go back to their home countries. One even said that Mexico was a third world country. I can understand not wanting to go back to that because I wouldn't want to either.

I'm mostly upset that this article is trying to get me to feel bad for them or to show how horrible their situation is. Well, I'm in a pretty hard situation too. My husband has been looking for work for at least 6 months, if not longer. Still, he has found nothing. As much as he wants to work, there isn't really work to be had.

I just don't want to feel bad for people who walked into this country illegally and are having a hard time. I won't feel bad for that. I'm even trying to not feel bad for my own situation. It's hard, but eventually things will improve.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


So, I want to know why doctors don't just tell those of us who are overweight that our excessive pounds is likely the cause of our medical problems. Dealing with infertility issues I knew in my heart that it was because I was overweight, but not one of the doctors I spoke to even mentioned that. In fact, they were giving me medicines and other things to help me get pregnant. They didn't even consider that it would be unhealthy to get pregnant at my weight. As much as I want children, I know that I have work to do on my own health to make that possible. Different individuals in my family have had various health concerns/problems. Never do doctors really say that they need to lose the weight or that their problems could be related to the obesity that tends to run in my family.

Of course, no one wants their doctor to say, "You're fat! There is no hope for your medical condition." But maybe a gentle reproach with some guidance. Why don't they send you to a dietitian or at least help you lay out a plan for losing weight? So many medical problems are related to weight, yet doctors are too afraid to say anything about it. Is it some sort of job security? If people stay fat they'll have to keep coming to the doctor.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Tori and Dean

I totally saw Tori (Spelling) and Dean (McDermott) last night. We were going to see Up at the Arc Light Theater at the Sherman Oaks Galleria and right before we got on the escalator Tori and Dean were in the midst of a conversation. It was just like any other couple you might see standing there. They weren't filming for their show and no paparazzi were around. At first I wasn't sure if it was Tori because she had huge sunglasses on, but then when I saw Dean it was for sure them. I didn't want to stare so I just looked quickly and kept going on my way. This is my first celebrity sighting while I was just out and about since I moved to LA. I thought it was cool since I watch their show and think I'm a lot like Tori in some ways.